My Library

My Library

Main Objectives of Library”
1. Be the knowledge hub of the school and disseminate knowledge as widely as possible.
2. Facilitate creation of new knowledge.
3. Facilitate optimal use of knowledge.
4. Encourage and foster reading habit among students and staff.
5. Effectively participate in the teaching learning program of the school.
6. To provide easy and intellectual access to information through learning activities.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Yamunanagar Library has a wide collection of about 5261 well selected books in almost all subjects ranging from English/Hindi Fiction, Non-fiction, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc. The Vidyalaya Library subscribes to leading newspapers and educational magazines.Vidyalaya’s library organises every year book exhibitions and various competitions related to reading and creative writing to encourage supplementary reading.


The Library provides a learning environment for students and staff; supports the school’s aims and curriculum; encourages the love of reading and the development of students’ independent learning skills.

Opening Hours

The library is open every school day from 07:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m and 03:15 to 04:45 p.m.

Library Periods

According to the school time table the students of Class VI-XII can visit the library for the issue and return of the books during their library periods. They can refer books and participate in library activities during this time.
Borrowing information
    Students of classes VI to VIII can borrow max. 04 book for a period of 02 weeks and  classes  IX to X can borrow max. 06 books and classes XI and XII can borrow 10 books for a period of 02 weeks. Faculty and staff Maximum 20 books for a period of 01 month. The users should submit their ID cards for the automated circulation of books.
Open Access and Classification
The library follows an open access system. The books are classified and shelved according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (Ed.22). Every book is barcoded and spine labels are attached.
Library Automation
The stock and services of the library has been automated with an Integrated Library .eGranthalaya software. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) of library holdings is available. Patrons can search by using keywords, author, title and subject.

   Technology has touched and transformed our lives like never before every aspect of our life, be it academic, professional or entertainment, has been revolutionalised by its miraculous impact.It has also changed the way we used to view a library. Library is no longer just a collection of books, but it is the centre point of any educational Institution. A good library should be able to collect information whether in print form or electronic and disseminate it among all concerned.Its reach should not be confined to the institution where it is housed,it should go beyond and attract our students and teachers who are in search of good reading material. That is why we at Jawahar Navodaya Vidhalaya Yamunanagar, have opened up the portal of our library to the world. With the help of digital library anyone can visit our library and read books, journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.. Student corner, teachers corner and career corner is very useful for students, teachers and parents.
 Assist students and teachers in the use of library resources information technology.
* Promote reading programmes and cultural events.
* Participate in planning activities connected to the implementation the curriculum.
* Participate in the preparation, implementation and evaluation learning activities.
* Promote the evaluation of library services as an intergral part of general school evaluation System.
* Encourage creative thinking and develop reading habits among the Students.
All students and staff of the school are members of the library.
1.     Students of classes VI to VIII can borrow max. 04 book for a period of 02 weeks and  classes  IX to X can borrow max. 06 books and classes XI and XII can borrow 10 books for a period of 02 weeks.
2.    Faculty and staff Maximum 20 books for a period of 01 month. The users should submit their ID cards for the automated circulation of books.
3.       Books will be issued to the students, during the library periods. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
4.       Marking, underlining or writing on library books, periodicals, and newspapers is strictly forbidden.
5.       Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued to any member. These can be consulted only In the library.
6.       If the books are not returned within the specified time it will be viewed seriously and fine will be charged as per rules.
7.       The librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
8.      In case book is misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current market price of the book.
9.       After reading, make sure that the books, periodicals and newspapers are kept back at their respective Places.
10.   The members should take good care of library furnishing and equipment. Make sure the library looks as good when you leave as it did when you came in.
11.    Drink and food are not allowed in the library.
12.    Library computers are for academic purpose only. Do not temper with the computer settings. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
13.    A ‘No Dues Certificate’ by each students is to be obtained from the librarian while his/her transfer/withdrawal from the school.
14.    Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the library and speak softly if needed.

Frequently asked questions?
How do I become a member of the Library?
All students, and staff are members of library and no other formality is required. As soon as you get your ID Card, please visit the library once to activate your membership.
How do I search books (in Catalogue (OPAC)?
1. Go to library blog home page. There is e Granthalaya search box with caption “Search Catalogue (OPAC)”. Enter a word or words from title or subject or author of a book you like to search. Press enter. It will list all books matching the words you input.
2. You can also click on “Advanced Search” just below the search box. It will take you to another page “Web OPAC Page”. It provides Simple Search and Advanced Search options.
3. In Simple Search, you can search books by Author, Title (any word in the title, subtitle) , Accession No. , Classification No., Series, ISBN No, Keyword, Supervisor, or Publisher. Use “Enter the String” box to input words etc from any of the fields mentioned above.
4. You can restrict your search to a particular media like Books, e-Books, Reports
5. In Advanced Search, you can search books by combining several fields like author, title, keyword, publishers etc. This will give very specific / more relevant results.
What is “OPAC”?
OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. This is a database of all books, reference books, e-books,  etc. available in the library. It enables speedy searching of a particular book, books on a given subject, and/or a book by an author.
How do I borrow books?
Go to the library, pick up the books you like to borrow, carry these books to the Circulation Counter. Show your ID Card. The library staff will assist you in getting these books issued to you.
What are the issue/return (of books) timings of the Library?
8AM – 1:30PM hrs on all working days
How do I recommend a book for purchase in the Library?
Students and staff can recommend books (including reference books, Fiction and Non-fiction in Hindi and English, Educational Periodicals, Text Books of NCERT,CBSE etc) for purchase by the library.
Go to library blog home page and download a “Book Suggestion Form”. Fill in all the details in respect of books recommended for purchase. Forward the completed Form to the library.
Is there any limit on number of books to be recommended in a year by a user ?
No. There is no limit on the number of books to be recommended. However, the purchase of books in a year will be restricted within the allotted budget.
What if I require a book longer than the loan period?
If you require a book longer than the loan period you may renew it by bringing the book to the issue/return counter. As long as the book is not reserved, you will be able to renew it once.
What if the book is lost?
The user can replace the book with the same edition. If not,  the cost of the book may be recovered from him/her.
How to get Library “NO DUES” certificate?
Before applying for TC you have to clear all the dues ( like returning of books, clearance of  fine if any) for getting NO DUES. In case of Class X and XII they have to clear all dues after completing their annual exams.

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